Remy hair, which is also referred to as virgin, cuticle, or cut hair, is removed by shaving the hair directly from the scalp, which allows the lot of hair to retain its texture, consistency, color variation and natural length. The cuticles are in tact and the root and ends of the hair are aligned in their respective directions. When the cuticles of the hair are all intact and facing in the same direction the hair is not prone to becoming tangled. The hair is gently cleaned, and sorted, and bundled to preserve the direction of the root and tips of the hair. In its natural state, Remi hair is free from chemical processing of any kind and it only comes in natural colors such as black, off black, dark brown, and medium brown.
For commercial purposes, Remi Hair is categorized into two types: Single-Drawn and Double-Drawn remi hair

Full cuticle, or Virgin Single-drawn hair is considered to be is the finest quality hair on the market. This would be regarded as Grade-A quality hair because it comes from a single source (person). Great care is taken to remove the very short hair, with the longer hair, resulting in a ponytail like bundle. The hair is removed by shaving the hair directly from the scalp, which allows the lot of hair to retain the characteristics of its texture, consistency and color, however, there will often be variations in the natural hair length. Since the individual hairs are not always equal in length, there can be differences in the hair length, sometimes up to 2 inches or more between the longest and shortest hairs. Because of the natural variations, when single-drawn remi hair is used to create a hair product - if the hair is vented properly - the result will produce some of the most natural looking hair products on the market.

Double-Drawn Remi Hair is the next best quality hair on the market. This hair type may also be regarded as Grade-A quality hair (if the cuticles are still in tact). It has the many of the same characteristics as Single-Drawn hair, however the biggest difference is that the hair is harvested from 2, or more donors. The hair is also removed by shaving the hair directly from the scalp. Once the hair has been harvested from all of the donor sources, the hair lots are combined, and then the hairs are sorted and arranged in bundles with equal lengths. There will not be any short hairs in the bundle. The only major drawback is that there will be no consistent color, or texture, but when double-drawn hair is used to create a hair product the hair will be all one length.

There is a 3rd grade of hair that is known simply as Remi Hair. This is the least expensive type of remi quality hair on the market. This would be regarded as Grade-B quality hair even though it has some of the same characteristics of Double-Drawn hair. Like the double drawn type, the hair is harvested from 2, or more donors by shaving the hair directly from the scalp, combining, and sorting the hair into bundles of the same length. The major difference isi that the hair is further processed to remove the cuticles, to make it smooth, which should to reduce the chances of the hair becoming tangled because in most cases the hair is NOT be kept in the same directional alignment. This is very important because when the hair directions are mixed, there may eventually be a chance of the hair becoming to tangled. But (simple) remi hair is still considered to be one of the 3 best hair types in the industry.

Human hair is considered to be among the lowest quality hair product in the industry. This would be regarded as Grade-C and Grade-D quality. The Grade C quality hair would be the lesser quality that was discarded from a double-drawn bundle because the hair may be brittle, have low sheen, and/or it could be be relatively unhealthy. The lowest quality Grade-D human hair product is collected by harvesting hair from the temple floors, or in some cases women collect and sell the hair from their own hair brushes, but generally speaking this is waste hair. In both cases, the root and tail ends of the hair are not kept in diretional alignment, and the hair is processed by combing and sorting the hair lots into bundles of the same length. The cuticles are removed to smooth the hair shaft and chemicals are applied to the hair to create special curl and wave patterns and sillicone preservatives are added to make the hair shiny. The Grade-C and Grade-D hair types are mostly used to create inexpensive hair weave extensions, wigs and such, which are generally sold in local beauty stores.

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